Monday, August 3, 2009

Show You a Replica Louis Vuitton Handbag

At first glance, I can think of many ways this replica Louis Vuitton handbag can be used, I can get it to work; it is also a handbag suitable for a party.

After that first glance, though, the doubts begin to set in. That's because while this
replica Louis Vuitton handbag is quite pretty, the price seems too cheap here. The surface is shiny and printed letters Louis Vuitton. The handles seem in proportion with the bag, and the hooks that connect them to the tote itself ensure that the handles will flap down when the tote is set down, rather than standing up awkwardly like most beach bags. The handles are golden metal chains.

The exterior compartment adds zest to the bag by bringing in more gold, and the canvas that the replica Louis Vuitton handbag is constructed of is coated, leading me to believe that this is waterproof. But still- the tote look so mature that it could not be used as an schoolbag, and I feel that, at least for me, the style and color looks a little too un-usable as a schoolbag. For this price, at the very least.

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